the team of devil

Karnival in Cologne - the team of devil

Sweet Leandra

Sweet Leandra newest pics: Date: Novembre 10, 2007

At hospital

I was at hospital in august, 9. I had a huge leg-OP on friday the 10th.
These pictures shows the funny side of me... before the operation.

My Mum was happy too (at this time) ...
But then the crew of crazy doctors had saw my leg... and screwed on a plate with many bolts...

... that wasn't nice... leg was bulging...

... and pain had making me terrible...

...this was contagious, so my mum had been terrible too. Sweet fucking shit ;-) You are coming funny into hospital and get out terrible...

My best friend and her baby

That is my best friend Luci and she has born the most beautiful baby I've ever seen before... Leandra
<------------------------------------------------------------ Here on her father's arm
She is our sunshine and she always makes your day better, when she is smiling to you. Its a really perfect present. :-)

The Alex & Alex-Band

Here are the most popular band of our"big county" Dienethal I am proudly present you the "Alex & Alex" band.

(The right guy is my brother-really unbelievable!)

And these are their ridiculous fans!

Thats me

Me and Me and Me and Me too...

I am Nine

I am Nine "the-one" and only...
In the following posts I want to show you some pictures.
Pictures about me and my life...
Thank you